Saturday, August 14, 2010

This Blog Has Moved

For the new blog, please visit

Thursday, August 5, 2010

EWWWW, grossss, the horizon has changes all over it! – Post #12


Wednesday 8/4/10 9:14 P.M.
The Village Den, my spot outside

Always hopeful, yet discontent
He knows changes aren’t permanent
But change is    

I like change.  Generally.  There’s something compelling about it.  Growth.  Life cycle and all that. 

Living here in NYC, for instance, every season is my favorite.  By the time it’s winding down, I’m looking forward to the next one, my new favorite season.

Here are three changes going on now:

Change #1 The Orgy Guy
ERUPTION, PEAK, THE XTUBE PARTY, SIR, HOOK.  Those are the current parties. They’re held at a space called The Club House (whereas, if I were to change venues, I’d rename the new space).  Now, with the blog and Twitter and the porn and whatever else coming, in addition to the parties, it should collectively have a new name.  And so, I’ll henceforth be going by The Orgy Guy.  Look for emails to come from a new email address, and the blog is moving to  All posts from this blog have been copy/pasted to the new one.  I hope the few followers I’ve got will move with me.

It’s a sitcom reference.  Know which one?

Change #2 No More Emails
Or at least a lot fewer.  I’ll send the introductory email when I  put guys on the list, and maybe one or two a month after that, but I won’t be sending them out once or twice weekly with the schedule and updates.   Guys who most want to come – who are the guys I prefer to come – will find their way to the blog for updates. I am sending an email concurrent to this post, to invite the guys on my list to join.

Change #3 LOTTERY Parties (1st one on Saturday, 8/7)
I’ve recently been doing something different as an incentive to get more guys coming in the first hour, getting things going earlier.  For the most part, it’s worked very well.  I’ve got a new one, which I think is going to be an even more effective tactic.  It’s called LOTTERY.  It should be well received.  If you’re on the list, look for an email with the info. 

And so...

The Orgy Guy


           Ö  <– butthole and balls

I wrote last week about how I’ve joined Twitter. I’d thought I was like the last person alive not to have a Twitter account.  Turns out that wasn’t the case; I’ve asked at the parties and not one is on Twitter.  This is a way for guys to see how the party is going, while it’s happening in real time.

So please join me in making the switch to

Thank you for your support.